воскресенье, 23 декабря 2012 г.

Psychological Warfare : Andrew Mitchell's Case

I have had many contacts with the London's (UK) Metropolitan police, including the cops from Diplomatic Protection Group, and with City police, and those contacts resulted in my many complaints to the IPCC and in a legal case against the police. For two submissions to the IPCC I am still waiting the reply, even though almost one year has elapsed since I received the letters from the IPCC stating that they would assign the investigator within 20-30 weeks! On the basis of my personal experience and of my acquaintance with the relevant academic literature and media articles, I guess that the London's police is substantially involved in political and business activities on international scale. It is reasonable to assume that the police  has substantial training in psychological warfare and in behavior modifying and psychic techniques. This training in the context of many deficiencies pertinent to the legal, social, and political machinery of this Kingdom provides the police and its masters with the tools to conduct politically motivated greysh psychological operations on wide scale. The technique utilized by the police in the case of Andrew Mitchell was a relatively simple one, and the very instance of Mr Mitchell falling the prey to this technique indicates that he is a honest and trustworthy person. As to me, it is not the police business to direct a member of the government as to what gates to use at all. When the gentleman of Mr Mitchell's standing is requested to dismount his bike and to use the side passage, it smells strongly as an deliberate attack on the person's ego because such a gentleman is obviously not used to such a treatment. 

I am used. Usually, in my case, perpetrators act in a team with the police providing immunity from persecution for them. Let me make one typical illustration. Some time ago I conversed with a police informant at the Russian Church at Ennismore Gardens, London, producing criticism as to some of police actions when police refused to intervene in crime on basis of their own health and safety issues. In a couple of days , at 7.00 am I arrived by tube at Earls Court and headed towards the bus stop. A bus took over me and moved on without stopping. When  in several seconds I reached the stop, another bus pulled up. I got on. The bus was empty, and just one bulky muscular person was sitting in the second row of seats. I paid and occupied the place near the luggage rack, placing my bag on the rack. A bus driver looked at me with heavy sticky sight of a well trained person and ordered me to have a seat on basis of 'health and safety' reasons! I refused, as I had a blister on my behind. The driver switched off the engine and declared the bus would not move on. The front doors remained open. The muscular chap raised, and with polite friendly smile approached me. After that the smile vanished from his face and he suddenly professionally pushed me out of the bus. When I tried to get on, the driver closed the door, and the bus made off robbing me of my possessions. In a couple of weeks after that, again at 7.00 am I was shopping at an American shop, Whole Food Market, Kensington, and even though the shop was empty, somebody managed to insert an avocado knife in my bag. I assume that the American shop is well proected against the British petite or even not so British and not so petite criminals. So,  I complained to the manager  considering the event as a threat.  The manager disappered somewhere for about 20 minutes, and on returning asked me with no sympathy, to say the least, what did I want. So, I went out and headed to a bus stop to go to Kensington Police station. A bus pulled up. I got on and stood near the luggage rack. The same driver as that at Earls Court leaned out of his cabin requesting me to have a set. I refused. The driver, to me: 'My friend, don't you remember as you were kicked off last time?' No complaints to the Kensington police, Metropolitan police, the Westbourne garage and the IPCC produced any effect. Both the police and the IPCC were fabricating evidence in such an obvious and primitive manner that it was clear that their actions were approved probably by God himself or by His messengers from the Heavens... 'My friend' seemed to know well what he was doing. I remember well his fat, shiny, self content face and confident grin on it.   My friends are very entertaining friends...

Soon after my complaints, in January 2012, at 20.00 I got on the bus No 9 at Green Park and stood near the luggage rack. A bulky she-driver leaned out of her cabin and requested me to have a seat. I refused. I smelled the rat immediately, and I was interested to lern how the game would go on this time. I remembered from my childhood that when somobody was asking for a cigarette to be ready for certain challenge to follow. At Hyde Park corner the driver switched off the engine and asked everybody to vacate the bus. Several people circled me on the bus and attempted to provoke my outburst by saying  instigating remarks and pumping my chakras to emotionally dis balance me. They failed. They would have failed even if they had spitted on me...I have ten years long experience of dealing with those people. I remember as the swarm of cops with rifles and dogs surrounded me at the Terminal one at Heathrow, with more police satanding on the gallery with the weapons directed on me, and searched without giving resons for search, just remarking: 'Did we search you better than the Russian police?' Well, you should have known better yourself, Sirs...

 So, the driver called the police, and the police assaulted me by pushing me out of the bus and lecturing me that I wasted their time. Well, the case is still going on, and it will end up in the courts. If this trick on the bus happens once more, Sirs, I will probably vomit in the bus and on the police - my health is well undermined by now, Sirs...

So, the police regularly uses three steps in targeted operations like that with Mr Mitchell. Firstly, collecting intelligence on personal characteristics of the target. For this purpose false 'friends' can be implanted, some conversations initiated etc. It is time consuming and well developed business. Secondly, planning the operation to emotionally dis balance the target under disguise of semi legal requests hoping to get the target involved in the actions which would have negative consequences for his or her standing. Par instance, they can touch the target with their bodies and saying something in emotionally modulated voice and looking at the target as at the piece of crap, using at the same time psychic techniques. As I am a Russian, their favorite remarks during the search is something like that : 'It is not Russia here...' 
When police operate covertly, like it was , par instance, in case of certain Mr Lewis, a police informant , whom I met in Belvedere House, Kensington, their actions can be even more provoking and explicit. Thus, Mr Lewis regularly was approaching me in the hostel, and touching me with his belly advised me something along the lines Mr Mitchell allegedly advised to the police. This chap was replaced by another police informant, an Irish chap turned to be an English patriot. This chap seemed to me as a champion of anal sex cause who somehow believed that I am a gay and wpould fall to his charms. When he failed, he strted to chase me stating that I smell badly, that I am a moron etc. He was a very good chap, and he contributed much to my study police techniques and yob culture in this Kingdom. It was particularly illuminating against the  theoretical background which I acquired while studying at University College London, King's College London and while reading many papers in professional police journals and articles of the FBI Academy of Behavioral sciences and many other   prominent institutions.  This sort of technologies was applied to me by the police on many occasions, and in view of my experience I am inclined to believe much more in the account of Mr Mitchell, than that of the police. Hence, I believe, that the terminology allegedly used by Mr Mitchell with terms like 'morons' and similarly tainted more likely belongs to the lexicon of the police itself.

The police is definitely capable to fabricate the evidence, to harass the targeted person and his or her family and friends and to adversely affect the course of justice in case when the victim is looking for justice or redress as they are capable to manipulate Her Magesty Courts and Tribunals, National Health Service etc, etc. with ease. On one occasion, on request of a police informant from the Belvedere House again, I was accused by a member of a TESCO Kensington security of theft and subsequently searched by the police under intimidating conditions. Nothing belonging to TESCO was found. Subsequently, when I started legal actions, it turned out that TESCO knew nothing about the incident. Moreover, it turned out that one of two police officers who searched me was unknown to the police, and he had forged identification numbers. Nevertheless, the police and the IPCC moved the case under the carpet ffinding nothing wrong in actions of the police.

The police is capable of covert systematic hounding of their chosen target using myriads of implanted police informants and other operatives, with application, among other means, biological and chemical agents to undermine the targets will power, health, and mental capacity. The case with Mr Mitchell is just tiny top of the iceberg. To have suggestions as to what can be done to the chosen target, I recommend a very solid websitewww.baranovfamily.org.

Nevertheless, despite of what was said, I am reluctant to blame just the police for all wrongdoings as described above. I did meet many very descent, professional and intelligent people among the police, and I have feeling that they often have to act on directions of other powers remaining in darkness. If the UK wants to be successful on the global scale, these powers should be curbed as we entered in the age of knowledge based, innovative economy where all the public relations tricks, financial speculations, brainwashing, under the table kicking and all the related tools arebecoming more and more counterproductive. The Britons have no other choice but  to completely rearrange their society, otherwise they face imminent and promt sliding dowmwards. The creativity does not flourish in Treblinka, Sirs, and your experience in Boers wars is largely redundant by now.

Andrew Mitchell should be invited back to the Government regardless what he said aswhatever he  might have said was the result of professionally devised psychological operation to destabilize him.

среда, 27 июня 2012 г.

Топ-сотня лучших вузов мира обошла стороной Россию:Mail.ru

Да, там, за бугром, тоже с образованием трудности, и немалые. Вот, в Лондонской школе економики и политических наук, где русский  мат нередок, кстати, сортиры в порядок привести не могут десятилетиями. Куда деньги Каддафи младшего дели, которые он заплатил за то, штобы ему степень выписали? Тоже бабло пилят, только опилки летят. А сортиры в етой школе економики такие вонючие....А сколько мусора там производят вокруг библиотеки, так ето жуть есть! Ну и ишо стукачей в их универах очень много - препы все масоны, и работают как на полицию, так и на мафии. Особенно иностранцы, включая русских.  Поетому там и зарплата повыше- обязанностей побольше. У нас, в МГУ, ведь те, кто на ФСБ работает, тоже неплохо живут. И масоны у нас регулярно выезжают в Королевство Британское, например. И там они тоже ментовские приемы применяют - стучат, в трусы студенткам лазяют с целью не только приятное им сделать, но и к сотрудничеству склонить. А патриоты КГБшные первым долгом гражданство схватить стараются и ребенка в постель к Лорду пристроить....Ги-ги....

Ну, в Американских универах образование, что ни говори, классное, хотя америкосы и увлекаются чрезмерно анальным сексом - особенно те, кто на ФБР работает. ЦРУшники более разборчивы, кстати, тоньше работают, студенток....н-да.....А рейтинги, конечно, пиар в значительной степени. Вот, опять бритонский Императорский колледж возьмем. Его вроде в первуя десятку впихнули. Н-да... Библиотека у них жуткая, я туда вот пару дней назад заходил. Конечно, подборка книг замечательная, не то что в МГУ. Но сидеть там могут только юные студенты из Азии, ну ишо из Востока, типа Сирии....Здание очень незатейливое, немного стекла и дешевый бетон. Окошки типа амбразур. Ето не Библиотека МГУ с мрамором, бронзой и хрустальными светильниками. И даже не библиотека Университетского колледжа, где хоть мусора нет.

 Вентиляция нулевая, я через десять минут потеть начинаю. Через двадцать минут начинаются позывы по-малому, а затем по большому. Ну, идешь в сортир. Он еще хуже, чем в Лоньдонской школе економики. Просто Тамбовского вокзала сортир епохи позднего брежневизма. Так там хоть пространство какое-то было, а тут прямо боком влезать надо, через фанерно-пластиковые двери. Нишета. Куда деньги они девают? Да и вонь -ну, не до обморока, конечно, как в Тамбове, но и не сортир на пароходе Иван Франко епохи позднего сталинизма...С кингзмараули в буфете...Ну, даже не сортир главного здания МГУ или физфака, например -там поространство, окна в мой рост, и в советское время не воняло. Ето теперь воняет, когда масоны весь МГУ оккупировали. 

После сортира пытаюсь в книгу вчитаться - передо мной книга по истории Нацистцкой математики. Редкая книга, издана Принстоновским Универом, рекомендую. Как, впрочем все книги изданные етим универом. Может, кто на ихтике выложит ету книжонку- например, к следующему дню Победы, а? Ну, читать не удается - в горле сперва першит, потом дерет; дрожь в конечностях появляется; затем начинаются судороги и я быстро выскакиваю на улицу... Фу, Господи....С завистью смотрю через стекло на студентов из Азии и Востока... А они смотрят в компы, в основном... Что они там видят, интересно? Ги-ги... Они, кстати, в основном стучат - друг на друга, ну и на меня, то ли русского, то ли мафиози, то ли шпиона. Старайтесь ребята, старайтесь - может, помогут с екзаменом, или на родине пристроят где нибудь. У нас, в МГУ, тоже стукачей из британских спецслужб немало....ги-ги...А где их нет? Где масоны, там и они; где они, там и масоны. Сколько здесь вокруг миня КГБшников крутится. Все в православном храме покормить пытаются. Нет, спасибо, кушайте сами, или детям своим отдайте....Так вот, библиотека ета вся обрызгана пестицидами, как и все другие Лондонские библиотеки, даже те, у которых архитектура приличная.

 В етом Королевстве все обманчиво - и рейтинги, и библиотеки, и преподаватели, и студенты - все с двойным, а то и тройным дном. Везде масоны. Время, когда канализация не справляется с нагрузкой. Вонь везде. А пестициды для народа испольсуют дещевые - страна нищая, а аппарат СС раздут, приходится на быдле економить. В приличных местах пестициды ети не используют. Ну, в етом году хоть в Гей парке дышать можно и запах травы есть, а то ведь даже парк обрызгивали так, что на мостовой приятнее было дыщать. Н-да, Запад - ето дело тонкое, как говорил то ли Остап Бендер, то ли Лаврентий Павлович. Кстати, за испытания пестицидов биотехнологические фирмы платят хорошо, и частенько такие испытания проводят негласно, под видом екологических мероприятий. Я думая, что если работникам охраны окружающей среды, например Кенсингтоновского района Лондона, под ногти иголочку засунуть, то они много любопытного о жизни етого района рассказали бы. И о пестицидах тоже. Интересно, проводят ли испытания пестицидов в Белведеровской конуре, например? 

Н-да. Отсюда в Англии и рака больше всех в Европе, и треть детей после окончания школы читать не умеет. Но девочки беременюют рано. А те, кто рано не забеременел, потом бегают по докторам, дабы забеременеть. Запад англицкий... Кстати, если посмотреть по количеству патентов, то образование вообще есть только в Соединенных Штатах Америки.Вот, недавно курс по логике в Принстоне проходил. Просто замечательно – а я толк знаю в образовании, уверяю вас. Ну, ишо местами в Германии и Франции образование сносное. Но не в Британском Королевстве, с их Лутоновским университетом, или Университетом Южного Берега....Университеты полицейские.... До сих пор помню, как меня полицейское дерьмо наркотиками травило в библиотеке Лондонской Школы економики, чтобы потом в ближайшем магазине Сенсбюри, полицейском супермаркете, отравленную гадость подсунуть. И проститутку для выуживяания информации. Подонки полицейские! Еще в студенческие годы ко мне прицепились – то проституток подсовывали, то ребенку клопов подбрасывали....Уж и не знаю, что они с ней чичас делают. Наверное, то же, что и КГБ. Вспоминаю и бяк азиатских, которые здесь охотно на английских ментов и американцев работают, как они меня в библиотеках Университетского колледжа и Лондонской школы економики пасли, за каждой книгой мною взятой следили. Ето их ФБР, наверное, научило - они больщие мастера по слежке в библиотеках.  Да, ребята? А ищо они, из ФБР, спецы в области психоанализа, НЛП и гипноза. Меня уже от их вида дебильного на рвоту тянет. Особенно когда пидарасы и проститутки русскоговорящие начинают свои прибамбасы по моему профилированию, часто с узбекским акцентом. К русскому храму в Садах Еницморовских подойти невозможно, столько там стукачей. Будто Спаситель наш только стукачеством и занимался. К иконе приложиться страшно - может, у них там идол за иконой скрывается или циркуль с квадрантом лежит....Недаром , тут кто-то из английских Лордов заявил, что страна насквозь ложью пропитана. Время такое, братва у власти. Какое образование? Только обрезание, чтобы ничего не выросло. И в России, как Владимир Владимирович как-то упомянул, таких спецов еще можно найти.

PS. Коммент на мейле русском оставить не удалось - то ли королевская, то ли Российская демократия не одобрила. Скорее всего, обе.

среда, 25 апреля 2012 г.

RHINOCEROS: London Zoo, Ugu!

Dr Alexander Sobko
London, United Kingdom

17 February 2012

To whom it may concern
Independent Police Complaints Commission
90 High Holborn
London WC1V 6BH

1.This is a letter to complain as to having been assaulted by the Metropolitan Police.

2. On 31.1.2012 at 20.11 at Piccadilly Circus I boarded a bus with the registration No PG 04 WHU serving route No 9 in direction to Hammersmith. I occupied a place at the luggage rack placing my case there. At Green Park the driver ordered me to have a sit on the basis that I was visible in her mirror. I refused considering the request deliberate harassment.

3. On Hyde Park Corner the driver ordered me to get away from the bus. I refused. Then the driver switched off the engine and requested the passengers to leave the bus. The driver summoned the police.

4. At 21.00 the police arrived. The policeman CW1102 requested me to get off the bus. When I asked for the order to be produced in writing, the cop pushed me out of the bus saying : 'Just do what you are ordered to do!' Then policeman CW1103 approached me unnecessarily close and started to lecture me in intimidating voice that I have to behave myself humbly in London. Two more cops were watching nearby. Having completed the lecture, the cops made their off.

5. I believe that the case was staged on purpose by operatives linked to the police, some of the reasons to believe so are as follows:

a. The women of Caribbean appearance from a front seat close to the luggage rack offered the driver the number of her mobile expressing desire to be a witness. I consider her behaviour harassing and aimed at causing fear in me. Another woman with the appearance of a police informant also passed her mobile's telephone number to the driver.

b. A gentleman with the appearance of a police agent provocateur attempted to make me aggressive by manipulating his voice and subsequently expressing his dissatisfaction with me being a Russian and expressing his negative attitude to the Russian people altogether. He promptly disappeared failing to solicit a response from me which could compromise me.

6. I request to investigate on what legal basis the police applied force to remove me from the bus.

7. I request to interrogate the driver and take other necessary operative measures to find out on whose orders the harassment was staged as it seems to be an attack motivated by my nationality.

8. I have already complained to the IPCC with respect to a similar case (Your REF: 2011/016838) , and I have impression that both the police and the IPCC are excessively corrupted. Do you have any intention to get rid of the Mafia methods in your work, Sirs? By 'Mafia methods' I mean forging and manipulating evidence, intimidation, setting up the cases, employing legal criminals and using law enforcement industry as a tool in Mafia wars in this Kingdom.

8. Your response to my complaint will be published on the website Forbes.ru , and it may adversely affect the perception of the British democracy in Russia.

9. You are granted my permission to present this letter to anybody.


Alexander Sobko

суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.

The Fifth Seal

Sorry, comrades, for writing the comment in English - I have no Russian keyboard. Also, all my writings are under surveillance of the British SS ( Secret Service, Security service, Police , Freemasons, and organized crime - they are all United in the United Kingdom). So, I want to save some money of the British hard working and exploited taxpayers by providing the text which the SS can understand without translation. Well, honestly, many members of those SS are illiterate and able to read just the text on travel cards and beer cans, but, nevertheless, let us give a try - they are well trained in psychic powers, e.g. reading mind and coding-programming. That is, because they are usually adamant ass fuckers. Everybody, who is acquainted with Tantra Yoga will understand, that doing so, they arise serpent power from the bottom up. This is why the British were able to impose their rule on many other countries -namely, by advancing ass fucking among the population of the invaded nations. This is the main reason why Russia experience troubles since Gorbi's fall to their charms. This is the main reason of all current problems in Russia- ass fucking!

Well, unfortunately, all that monkey demonstrations and menstruations are as bad as no demonstrations. But I should admit that from a theoretical point of view, no menstruation means either impending pregnancy or climax! Is Russia pregnant or climaxed? Look at the picture above and make your conclusion!

Here, in London, there are a lot of signs of the 'Great' Britain's passing through the climax - hysteria, jumping from one end to the opposite one, corruption, demagogy, witch hunting, ass fucking, drinking etc. If we assume, that Russia is also climaxing, then it would be reasonable to conclude that all problems in Russia are outcome of the too close relations between the UK and Russia! Recently, a new Russian company, something like RussOil, was listed on the London exchange. Dear me, the owner of the company is a chap from the Kremlin, but his company's board chairman is a British chap, and his deputy again is a British chap! That deputy has been in Russia for decades by now, and it is by his efforts Mr Chodorkovsky was able to increase the oil production by 40%! Fucking shit, what is going on? Well, nothing good is going on!

Well, surely, all Russians are able by now to feel that nothing good is going on! Unfortunately, they seem to be jerking in convulsions of a cock which lost its head as they do not understand what is going on and why it is going on! Those convulsions are just to let vapour escape! Having spent in the West two decades and been educated there, I do not believe anything which is on the surface. I know well their methods. Just one recent story which may tell you the mode of behavior characteristic of ass fuckers in London, the Kingdom's Metropolis.

On 30 January 2012 I was on a bus serving the route No 9 towards Aldwych, London. At Hyde Park Corner a gentleman of Jewish appearance boarded the bus and took a seat opposite me. He was casting a glances at me attempting to catch my glance.

Well, I am used to the life on London buses, where criminals, intelligence services from all corners of the world (including KGB, of course), police, masons, etc. etc. freely operate assisted by the police corrupted from the bottom to the top. No doubt, the UK is a mafia-police state, but much more advanced than Russia. How things are being done in London, when a criminal from Oxford wants to make a nuisance to somebody in London? Well, as in Russia, they first have to inquire as to whether a victim has a krysha, and if yes, whether that krysha is higher than their own, and any mistake can be costly. If they decide to act, they will request an assistance of the police at some stage. The police here, of course, are puppets. They serve their masters, and who is their master at any given moment is determined by the current situation - something similar to sex industry! You know, it is the capitalist and the market economy! Well, from now on, let us be close to the London buses. One of their peculiar feature is that to use them, one has to have an OYSTER electronic card where he loads his money to and pays for travelling. Of course, the information concerning all one's travels are recorded on the database. Moreover, the OYSTER card allows the relevant people to be immediately alerted when their target embarks on the board. Hence, their storm troopers or just operatives embark the bus in a couple of stops. Operation starts. Of course, one can buy a paper travel card, for which one should pay twice more than for the travel with OYSTER. For gentlemen, it is OK, but not for the populace! Just to compare, two paper travel cards in London will buy you a good quality pair of shoes or a sweater. For some people, like me, who is well known to the British and other SS, even the paper pass will be of no relief. The issue is that the buses are equipped with video cameras which are link to the databases. The people running those databases are in underground bunkers all round the London, and they provide image searching facilities to the cops and their agents. Hence, one embarks a bus, the image is sent to the data base, a mafiosi is informed by a crooked police employee, and the operative is alerted.

So, back to the bus on the route No 9. The Jewish gentleman starts talking on the mobile, quite loudly in monotonic voice. We both disembarked on Piccadilly circus. As soon as we got off, the 'driverin' ( the driver happen to be a woman) jumped off her cabin and run to the Jewish gentleman lecturing him on something in annoyed voice. I went to the Waterstone, a nearby book shop where the department with the Russian literature is to be soon open. In the bookshop I asked a member of staff whether the Russian Department is in operation. Not yet. In a couple of weeks time. 'Well, what a hassle it will be for the MI5!', I murmured. The cold wave in response.

Next day, on 31 January 2012, I happen to visit the same Waterstone. At 20.00 I went out, waiting for a bus No 9 to Kensington. At 20.11 a bus pulled up with the same 'driverin' ! she gave me unfriendly glance upon my embarkation. I stood near the luggage rack having placed there my case and a bag with the book 'Legal Practice Companion' which I purchased in the Waterstone. When we arrived at Green park, the driverin suddenly ordered me to have a sit declaring in metallic voice that I prevent her from viewing her mirror. Well, this British game I knew well! So, I just replied: 'No!' The driverin was well instructed: 'OK! On the next stop get away from the bus!' So, we arrived to the Hyde Park Corner. I concentrated just in case if she is accompanied by a crap from the police or SS on the board of the bus who will kick me off the bus and said again: 'No!' So, she switched off the engine and declared 'Ladies and Gentlemen! This bus will go no where as the gentleman is on the way of my mirror!' The passengers started to get off. Several of them, nevertheless, stayed and started talking to me. They were the gamers in this game. One of them, a short chap from the 'blue rucksacks' police team attempted to provoke me into a violent response. Those chaps, agents provocateurs, usually employ a specially tuned voice raising from do to sol and saying something with offensive hidden dimensions. I ignored him. Then a women of Caribbean appearance from the nearby seat offered her telephone number to the driverin expressing her willingness to be a witness. I know that sort of women well ! A couple of years ago, in St Paul hostel, one of those women turned out to be my room mate, by mistake, and drugged me while I was sleeping. That time I visited University College Hospital and Holborn Police station to complain, with no avail, of course! So, I quickly calculate as to who was behind the screen in the game on the bus! Some of my almost Russian pro-Palestine friends from the Russian Church police informants on Ennismore Gardens? Well, some ethnic warfare in London? So, the police provocateur 'suddenly ' became illuminated: 'Are you Russian?' Well, I replied : 'Do you have something against Russians, Sir?' He murmured : 'Well, I am starting to...' , and promptly disappeared. As a police, he was well informed, at what point it was becoming illegal, this game! You know, they do not like leave traces - old masonic schooling! They like using natural flow of events, just a bit manipulated - with brotherly, and nowadays sisterly love, surely! Ah? Ah? Ah.....ah.... No! NO! ah .... Shut up, dura!

So , I am left in the bus with the driverin, and we are waiting for the police. Of course, the police has much more exciting matters to deal with in highly decriminalized London, even at Hyde Park Corner. Just for Russians to be disillusioned with the British Metropolis, a month ago here, at the entrance to the Hyde Park underground station, a notice was displayed by the police informing that in this area bogus police operate searching the victims and stealing their wallets and mobiles. How are things in Moscow nowadays? Unfortunately, because of some Russian shit I am not able to visit Moscow- that shit have stolen my flat and kicked me off the country! So, the police arrived by 9.00 pm. The police officer CW1102 pushed me out of the bus decisively, and the police officer CW 1103 undulating his belly and looking from down up lectured me that I have to become grown up! Th police CW1102 was staring at me with his beady eyes attempting to impress me by his cool SS uniform and Arian glances! Big Hi to you, Sir!

Hence, without any legal reason I was shown by the British police-mafia that I am nothing, and they are masters! But the question remains: who are masters of those British 'masters'? Who paid them, and how? By cash, by prostitutes, by boys? Everybody knows in the UK, that the police in the UK are ass fuckers! In recent survey by one of the British quality papers, it was revealed that the Home Office is on the top of the list of gay sympathizers in the UK, closely followed by Barclay's bank! To establish who were those masters, I compared this case with the previous one, which happened on 3d September 2010.

On that day, at 7.00 am I embarked on a bus, rote 328, at Earls Court, London. I occupied a place near the luggage rack, as usual, and placed my case on it. The bus was empty, as I just missed another bus, and a man of the doorman appearance was sitting at the seat near the rack. The driver, before departing, ordered me to have a seat because of health and safety reasons on this occasion. Probably, he was OK with his mirror- he was a man! I refused. So, he switched off his engine, but he did not call the police. The doorman stood up, and closely approached me murmuring something like; 'What is going on here?' in very peaceful manner. After, suddenly, he pushed me off the bus. When I realized what is going on, I attempted to get back on the bus, but the doormen pushed me off again. The driver close the door and made his off with the doorman and my case containing my 500 pages long manuscript! I immediately visited Kensington Police station, and the crime was recorded. After that the police called Westbourne Garage and said tat the driver was identified and the people from the garage would call me in a couple of hours. As nobody contacted me, I went to the garage and spoke to the people their who happen to be of Caribbean appearance as well. They told me that after they complete investigation, they would write to me. In several month I received a letter from Kensington Police stating that video camera on the bus was not in operation on that particular occasion and the case is closed. I complained to the Department of Professional Standards of the Metropolitan police. No reply. So I complained to so called the 'Independent' Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), an obscure police institution to supervise the British Police. I wrote to them on 6 occasions, and all the time I have replies, that the police is right! The British Police is always right, until they happen to encounter a wrong person - from intelligence services, for example....like the CIA...By the way, a couple of days ago in a British quality paper it was published an article where the IPCC found that eight policemen who set up three men accusing them of murder were found doing nothing wrong even though those three innocent men spent three years in the prison! Now, the IPCC is going to improve their standards! Ghy-ghy...! So , I receive the reply that police was right closing my case as thy have done all they could but neither the driver, nor criminal were found! The garage is being silent.

Well, this latter story has many interesting dimensions but the most interesting is a link with the Russian community of the police informants operating within the ranks of the Russian Orthodox Church at Ennismore Gardens, London. A week before the happening on the bus route 328, I had a conversation with one of those informants, named Mark, during which i was telling him a story, published in the British newspaper, according to which in one case the police was doing nothing while a girl was being raped in a house, while a policeman and the girl's father were standing nearby the house. The policeman was alone, and he was doing nothing because the 'health and safety' reasons rules prevented him from doing anything before a team of police arrived! So, I was given a lesson on the bus 328 for 'health and safety' reasons! After I told about this Christian Orthodox believer and the police informant to all , he and his wife disappeared from the church. I wonder, where they are coached in Christian life nowadays? By the way, his children were attending the Russian Embassy school. Well, it is well known, that certain Mr Fedotov, the former Russian Ambassador to London, is now the head of the UN Drug Police. Hence, very simple conclusion - the case on bus 328 of 3d September, and the case of 31 January 2012 on bus No 9 were staged on the order of the Russians with close cooperation of the British Police and other participants.

Now, we can arrive to the following conclusion: If there exist cooperation between the British and the Russians powers  to harass the Russians in the United Kingdom the same cooperation should even to more extent exist in Russia! Hence, events in the UK can be manipulated from Russia, and events in Russia from the UK? Hm!...May be they all are manipulated from somewhere else? May be, from Tunis? From diamond mines?

Hence, the question- who organized all those many events in Russia since and including the Gorbi's fall? Who rules Russia? Well, it is quite clear that the people who manipulate financial flows are hardly patriots. Most likely, they belong to certain entities having many faces and certain rules of behavior. Who they are? At this point I recount a Countryman Report about the case when in 1980s several hundred of Metropolitan Police officers and a number of well known criminals belonged to a masonic lodge, and in that lodge a criminal was superior to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner!

Well, is that a climax?